More and more people are opting to create a DIY home theater room. Entertainment consumption is changing. Not only are multiple streaming services now available to choose from, but the vast amount of choice is also staggering. Throw in the surprising mix of COVID-19, and people are seeking out new ways to fill their movie fix.
Previously, if a family didn’t catch a movie in the theater, watching it on television was lackluster. Today’s entertainment options with expanded technology can make the home movie theater experience a sight to behold. And it’s not just visuals, sound systems are enhancing the appeal as well.
The best part? There’s no need to spend a fortune. There are cheap home theater options that allow for many families to create a DIY home theater room without it costing a fortune.
Unfortunately for many businesses, COVID-19 severely strained their income and budgets. AMC Cinemas is no exception as CBS News reports cinema chain AMC warns it may not survive the pandemic.

Considering a DIY Home Theater?
If you’re considering building your own home theater, the Pinterest board How to Build a Home Theater on a Budget is a great place to start, to grab fresh ideas. When families consider home theater options, there are few points to keep in mind.
How much space is available?
What type of audio will work best?
How many speakers will make for the best sound experience?
What kind of seating arrangements will allow for the best viewing?
How large of a screen will fit in the available space?
What angle should the screen be at for the most comfortable viewing?
What kind of lighting is available?
Each of these questions is worth considering before jumping in. Taking the time to plan this out before starting the project will save the hassle of having to adjust all the pieces after the room is partially installed. On HGTV, How to Build a Home Theater, gives you a walk-through of things to do while setting up a home theater room. Have a tight space to work with? Hadley Mendelsohn on House Beauty details 10 Home Theater Design Ideas to Make Movie Night So Much Better that offers some clever ideas that will even work with a walk-in closet or small spare bedroom. Sharing quality time together is a great reason to consider adding a home theater room. Movie theaters of the past are going to take a while to get back up to speed with everybody worried about social distancing, but there’s no reason families can’t still enjoy a stellar movie at home. If working with a tight budget, spend money where it makes the most sense. Also, consider that each piece can be bought independently when there’s money to spare. Whether watching a new movie or streaming a favorite series, a home theater room can enhance the experience and make what was once a bland TV night into a fun, family gathering.